Sunday 20 May 2012

A bit of this and that

Hi everyone,
Thank you so much to the girls who answered my query on travelling in the Mid Atlantic states. I am in a haze there is just so much to see. Having looked at Boston's accommodation rates this idea of staying in Boston any length of time needs a little rethink and replanning, so off to the travel agent today to try and work out something that will fit into our available timetable and budget.
Anne and I are waiting for the next part of the seminar experience to arrive. The kit for the pre-class work. I am not sure when it will arrive but we hope it will be soon. I have visions of still stitching the night before we leave for the flights to USA, hopefully I will be a little more organised than that, but you know how it goes sometimes (best intentions etc).
I have been stitching a little but these travel plans have stalled my progress so not much to show for the few hours available. So here is a photo of the beautiful rose in my back garden.

Rose Arbor, my garden on a beautiful day

Bye the bye Cindy your parcel is winging its way to you. It generally takes about 2 weeks for post from Australia to the USA enjoy.

Bye for now, Carol


  1. See about staying in Quincy or Braintree instead. They are not far from Boston proper and close to the spaghetti of roads that run to and around Boston.

  2. Thanks. All help appreciated.

  3. Also if you are planning to go after Seminar - that puts you after labor day which means you should no longer be high season and rates will go down a bit I think. At least for some places. Boston proper will still be pricey. I grew up in Lexington, MA and now live in Baltimore, MD so if want to e-mail me some questions feel free. I will be at seminar too!
