Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Needle Delights, thank you Kathy

Hi everyone,
It has been tooooo long since my last post so thank you for hanging in there. Lots of stitching has been done and a major birthday has occurred. Lets just say I am no longer in the 50 somethings. I received some beautiful birthday gifts and a surprise birthday lunch with my family. This week we will have a girly lunch (a little late I know) but there has been some globe trotting and other things which have delayed it a bit and we weren't going to leave anyone out.

The guild sampler is still selling well and Christine and I have had some lovely comments. It makes all the work worthwhile. Thank you to everyone. Don't forget it is available to everyone in the world from the Guild website (shameless I know, but it is for a good cause).

Here are 2 finishes, the first is just waiting for another card of thread to complete the centre.
DebBees Designs
Twinking Gems
Debbie's design uses a new thread called Twinkle by Gone Stitching which is a rayon with a metallic twisted together. This is the first rayon/metallics twist I have found that doesn't shed its metallic when used, very pleased with the results. Thanks to Debbie Rowley for another great design.

The next finish is from a very old favourite magazine of the 1990's called Needlework Treasures, there were only about 5 issues but they were all fantastic. This one is from 1992.
Spanish Sampler, Needlework Treasures Magazine 1992
Design by Sandy Orton
This one is stitched on 32 count Antique White linen with DMC as listed, it was the subtle colours that drew me to this one. Sorry about the wrinkles but it won't be ironed till it is in the framing heap.

Thanks again for all your kind words and patience support,
Bye for now, Carol